Ah, Flash Cards On-Line Coolness FlashCardMachine.com

If you don't know me well I will say this, I study a lot. People come to me and ask howw the hell do you find time to study, blog and work. Well, I have a secret weapon. Usually people drink their coffee and leave my cube with a snickering laugh after asking such a question. The ones who stick around to hear what the secret weapon is open their mouth and a stand still in shock. FlashCardMachine.com baby! Oh, yeah...

So here is what you can do there. 1st of all, "... how in the hell did you find this site?" is a question I get all the time. I love Japanese and I wanted to brush up on some words. At the same time I was due to take an exam for vendor certification. So with my trusty mad Google skins I typed "Flash Card" and a ton of crap came up. Ah, but with patients I discovered it after a few clicks here and there. OK so here it is:

  • Make your own account and make your own flash cards
  • Add audio and pictures to them
  • Print them out cleanly with cutting lines
  • You can select to share your flash cards
  • You can browse through other users flash cards
  • You can select read / write for others when you share your flash cards
  • Drum roll please..... You can sync it all to an IPod, but it cost money for the software.

(they have every topic known to man kind for all ages)

