Windows 8 - Now we are taking your desktop. My experience on look and feel.

After backing up my Windows 7 I jumped into installing “Windows Developers Preview,” AKA Windows 8. Was it the jewel that was showed off to millions, can it do everything? Well don't migrate just yet. This is the developers version so things just won't install right. The whole this is sharp but a tad buggy in that some programs won't work.

During the install need to make a user when your Live ID is your user. Once I entered in my user info Windows reached out into cloud and grabbed my full name. It is kind of wicked, creepy, cool how Windows works with Microsoft login passports, and not sure how this will work with folks. So, once you get logged in you have this anticipation of seeing a desktop. 

Wrong, once you login you see Metro start window where all your apps are displayed like a Windows phone or Xbox Live. Metro apps page scrolled left to right. I felt like I was trapped in a Xbox. lol “Where is my darn desktop” words I said while scratching my head. Little did I know that pointing my mouse at bottom right hand corner will bring up the start menu which is a Metro like Windows flag. Don’t laugh, I clicked Metro app and thought I had entered into hell trying to lick every key on the keyboard trying to get out. My 7 year old daughter was laughing and she couldn’t figure it out. Bottom right screen hover and there pops the windows flag. Click Start and back to Metro page. Lesson learned.Later I noticed on the Metro apps page a desktop icon. I clicked the desktop icon and there it was. I gasped for air, as if I had lost the desktop forever.

Explorer had a few bells and whistles too which made it 10 times better than the current one we see now. IE runs different in Metro, and it can run outside of Metro. Don’t ask me how I forgot already. Look for “Use Desktop View” Oh and it is IE 10 now. Metro style browsing and plug-in free HTML5. Yeah wrap your head around that one. Seems there has been a focus on security and keeping battery life when they created Windows 8. I am just glad we are all moving over to one universal, drumb roll please… HTML5

I will leave you with this last impression: Metro feels like Linux, and I say this because it launches applications differently. I think they are going to allow you to pull more cloud info in from different resources much like their current windows phone. Hmm, maybe this is the Windows Phone OS changed into a PC OS. Not sure. I see people working from online apps vs. installed apps. Like Office live apps will work from Metro. Just a hunch of where this is all going. Soon Windows 10, and 11 the desktop will soon be foreign to people. I can see it now, “Holy cow, you’re on the desktop? Wow, I never go there, you must really know what the hell you are doing if you have to use the desktop to do something.”Will it be the end of the desktop? What are your thoughts?
