Looking for something to read? Scribd.com

Scribd.com is a great resourceful site that contains many publications. It is a social publishing site that allows millions of people to share original writings and documents. What's there? The question is what isn't there. Yeah that big search engine that starts with a G has it's version of books on-line and all, but Scribd.com is the real deal. You can find tons of documents, books, magazines. Best of all, membership is free and you can share your stuff too by uploading it or you can select not to share it. Hell I was surprised to see declassified documents published on the site. So if your learning how to become a pilot, struggling with your Microsoft exam, or want to cuddle in font of a fire with your laptop to read a mystery written by some up and coming author just wrote, then Scribd.com is worth checking out.

Oh did I mention that if you don't have a way to view a pdf upload it to Scribd.com and you'll be able to read it fast and easy!
