You can hear the sky

The website that allows you to hear what’s flying around in our atmosphere!

How does it work? METEOR ECHOES! The Air Force Space Surveillance Radar is scanning the skies above Texas. Nothing new really, but this website is streaming what they hear ONLINE. Use high pitch voice). When a meteor or satellite passes over the facility ping! there is an echo. Well first you need a few things to really make this experience comfortable and exciting. If a shower is due to occur.

1. Computer connected to the internet

2. Wireless headset

3. Clear Night Sky

When the meteors come a knocking you’ll hear some sharp high pitch sounds. Quickly connect you wireless headset and get outside quickly to enjoy the view. In your back yard you’ll hear and see the Meteors. You can pull this off too with a wireless phone that can play adobe flash and has internet. Let the fun begin. Oh, and if your neighbors see you they might think you’ve lost your mind. Enjoy!
